The Gospel of Luke, Part Two

Here’s your video summary of the second half of Luke’s Gospel.

The second half of the Book of Luke Ch. 10-24 explained with illustrations Want to see more? Our Website: Say hello or follow us here: Twitter: Facebook: This video explores the main ideas and flow of thought through the second half of the Book of Luke Ch.


Luke 10-18

Jesus’ ministry continues to expand in these chapters, beginning with the sending of the seventy in Luke 10.  What signs of Jesus’ victory over the spiritual forces of evil are beginning to emerge in this section?

We see several famous passages unique to Luke, such as the Good Samaritan and the Prodigal Son.  Which of the stories in this section was most familiar?  Which was the least familiar to you?

The theme of economic injustice continues in Jesus’ teaching with accounts like the Rich Fool (Luke 12:13-20) and the Shrewd Manager (Luke 16:1-15).  Jesus discusses these issues for more than the modern church often does.  Why do you think we are reluctant to cover these stories that Jesus told?  What makes them uncomfortable for us, especially as American Christians?

Now that Jesus is focused on Jerusalem and the end of his life, we begin to see numerous passages where he speaks of the end times and the final judgement.  For example, Luke 10:13-16, 11:29-32, 12:35-59, 13:22-30, 14:15-24, etc.  What is your understanding of the return of Jesus and the final judgement?  How do these teachings of Jesus inform, shape or change your understanding?

Do you often reflect on the return of Jesus?  Why or why not?


Luke 19-24

Next week takes us into the final week of Jesus’ life.  Look for some of the above themes running throughout this final section.

The Passion week is the most famous portion of Jesus’ story, and it is retold in every Gospel.  What do you notice that is different about Luke’s account, compared to that of Mark or John?

One of the most famous and impactful sayings of Jesus from the cross appears in Luke 23:34.  How does this statement encapsulate the entire purpose and ministry of Christ?

Several incredible resurrection accounts occur in the final chapter of Luke.  Which is most impactful for you, and why?

Keep it up and I’ll see you Sunday.

