Archived Sermons
We invite you to click the button below and let us know that you are connecting with us through archived videos of sermons and full services! We love to know that worship and discipleship can and should go beyond Sunday morning!
September 8, 2024 - April 20, 2025
Being a Christian isn’t about giving up our agency, our intellect or our choices. God’s design from the beginning is that we would have authority (in Greek, εξουσια). This authority operates in layers - I have authority over others, and some others have authority over me, and Christ has the supreme authority in my life. This will be our major focus this year.
During this season of Lent, we will consider one last component of authority - the authority that comes from the cross. We’ll call this “Cruciform Authority”, and we’ll explore both why it is is essential to Jesus’ kingship, and why it is essential to those who follow him
What does it mean to be a person of spiritual authority? What does it mean to have it? This is articulated fairly clearly in Luke 9 and 10. Spiritual authority is the ability to speak and act on God’s behalf in the world around us. It emanates from Jesus, not from us.
Jesus teaches as though he has intrinsic authority, not merely the ability to restate and reflect on the existing law. He claims authority over human life, and also demonstrates authority over the spiritual world. Jesus has authority even over Scripture, for he is its author.
εξουσια: self vs. scripture
Understanding the what and why of our Bibles is essential. In the church we have often taken for granted the authority of Scripture, but that authority is no longer a given in our culture (or even in all churches). Often, we are encouraged to see the self or the culture as of equal or greater authority than the Bible.
εξουσια: CHRIST & CAESAR
Many scholars and authors have noted that we talk about our politics with religious fervor. For many in our increasingly secular culture, politics seems to be filling the void that faith once occupied. How should the church discuss politics from a faith perspective, without falling into mere support for a candidate or party?
August 4, 2024 - September 1, 2024
Scripture includes this incredible promise; that after we die, we will live again eternally with God. But often our thinking around this eternal life is more shaped by contemporary culture, Greek philosophy and Christian fiction than it is by the Bible itself. Scripture speaks clearly on this topic, and foretells of a “new heavens and a new earth.”
June 2, 2024 - July 28, 2024
Most of us read Jonah in Sunday School as children and haven’t revisited it since! When we come to this story as adults, we discover it is rich, complex, and definitely not intended for children.
Sermon was taken from the July 2, 2023 service entitled, “Sexual Unity: Sexual Immorality.” Click here to watch the sermon.
The June 23 sermon archives are unavailable due to technical issues.
The Loneliness Epidemic
May 12, 2024 - May 26, 2024
The US Surgeon General has stated that loneliness is a major health concern with more health risks than smoking. A majority of people in the United States describe themselves as lonely. What is going on, and what can the church to respond to this epidemic?
Cultivating maturity
in 5 shifts
April 7, 2024 - May 5, 2024
How do you know when you have moved from adolescent to adult? Even more critical - how do you know when you have progressed into spiritual maturity? Join us as we discuss five shifts of cultivating earthly and spiritual maturity.
September 10, 2023 - June of 2024
Mark represents the brilliant invention of a genre, taking apostolic teaching, passion narrative and individual traditions and connecting it all as a coherent whole, while editing it to create themes and structure. It was also the first Gospel written… the “O.G.”
a study of 1 corinthians
June 11 - September 3, 2023
1 Corinthians, Paul’s letter to a church in Corinth, was written to a church that was fighting and arguing about many topics, and so Paul called them to consider what it means to be United in Christ.
in the beginning:
Foundations of faith
September 11, 2022 - May 28, 2023
The word of God begins like this: "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." Of all the foundational concepts in the Book of Genesis, this is surely the most important. All our understanding of God begins with this key idea; God created everything. Genesis establishes the core ideas upon which the entire story of Jesus is built. Our study of this book will open our eyes to the amazing plan of the Lord and our role within it.
2022 summer services
May 22, 2022 - September 4, 2022
During Pastor Jim Gates’ sabbatical, we were so blessed to have Jess Wakefield serve our church as Interim Head of Staff, as well as provide much of our spiritual leadership on Sunday mornings. We also had the privilege of hearing from Dan Frost, Jay St. Clair, and Amanda Fuls over the summer!
September 12, 2021 - May 15, 2022
Life without vision – without a picture of a future hope given by God – leaves us rudderless. Without vision, we live our lives like pinballs, bouncing from one crisis to the next, always reacting and never acting. Vision gives us direction, and courage to trust God’s good plan even when it seems delayed or impossible. In this season of our church, perhaps nothing is more critical than discerning the vision of Christ, and then following that vision courageously into the world.
May 31, 2021 - September 5, 2021
Join us this summer as we discuss the three kings of the United Kingdom of Israel - Saul, David, and Solomon. It is incredible that throughout the history of the kingdom of Israel, only these three men ruled all twelve tribes as king. In June, July and August, we will dive into each of their stories respectively, and explore how they point us towards and away from King Jesus.
September 13, 2020 - May 23, 2020
Philippians 3:13-14 says, “Forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus.” How do we move FORWARD? Forward from the past to the future? Forward from indulgence to commitment? Forward from me to we? Forward from brokenness to wholeness? Forward from comfortable to awakened? Forward from believers to disciples?
return from exile
July 5, 2020 - August 30, 2020
This summer we will focus on the Book of Ezra. As we return to church, it feels like returning from the Babylonian Exile! But like the Exile, our time away was not entirely bad – it reminded us that our faith is about more than what happens in our building (Church on Your Street, etc.) and that we needed to own the responsibility of our faith, rather than leaving it with the priests and the building.
September 8, 2019-June 28, 2020
Acts is the powerful story of an unfinished Spirit-led community, striving to do the next right thing. Today, we want to live into that same identity; we don’t know all the answers, or even the final picture of who we will become in the ongoing revelation of Jesus Christ. Like the first Christians, we are beautifully unfinished. But we are committed to doing the next right thing, and the next, and the next, as the Spirit leads us.
September 1, 2019
The extraordinary promise of Jesus Christ is that we get second chances. In 2 Corinthians 5:14-21, Paul reminds us that we are new creations in Christ. In other words, we get the opportunity for do-overs in the area of our life that matters the most - our relationship with God.
Reaching out
August 25, 2019
Dennis Mannering preaches from Psalm 71:1-6, Jeremiah 1:4-10 and Luke 13:10-17. The message is "Reaching Out."
The book of jude
August 4 - August 18, 2019
Some books of the Bible are "flyover books." Jude is one such book. We will spend the next three weeks reading through the entire book of Jude (don't worry, it's just one chapter long) and reflecting on the message of this man who was the literal half-brother of Jesus.
Our great soil
July 28, 2019
Our faith family, facilities and ministries are amazingly fertile ground for the love of Christ to grow and feed others. In this sermon, we focus our eyes and hearts on how blessed we are at CCPC. Blessed to have incredible people to connect with, a spectacular space to connect in, and amazing ministries to connect others to God's love.
June - July 2019
Summer road trips are the stuff of family legends. Nothing builds great memories like driving hundreds of miles in a hot minivan while the kids fight in the backseat … right? This June and July, our sermon series will dive into this topic with the ultimate Biblical road trip - Israel’s journey from Egypt to Canaan.
September, 2018 - June, 2019
We invite you to commit to five spiritual practices using specific tools over the course of a year, and to evaluate how those practices affect the spiritual journey. If we commit to these practices, our relationships with Jesus Christ and with one another will be radically and eternally transformed.
a new twist on old school
Summer Sermon Series 2018 (May 27-September 2): We’re going way back to our childhood, and all those crazy Old Testament stories you learned in Sunday School as a kid. But are they really just children’s stories?
Church Life Series September 10, 2017 - May 20, 2018.
We must be different to make a difference.
questions for god
What do you want to ask God? Our summer series, "Questions for God," uses questions submitted by members of the congregation. Each week, Pastor Jim will attempt to answer a question using God's Word, the Scriptures.
For Adults Only (FAO) Bible Study: World Religions
Our focus for adults during VBS is on World Religions. We can’t possibly cover all religions, but will discuss a chosen few in some detail.
The NEW Movement
Church Life Series September 11, 2016 -June 4, 2017.
Read the Word; change the world.
The In-Crowd
Summer Sermon Series: May 29, 2016 - September 4, 2016
Explore the lives of Jesus' twelve best friends and his inner circle.