Our “Break Every Chain” event on October 21, 2023 included presenters from Damascus Road, The Women's Community, and other local professions, followed by outreach to local businesses and community members.

Click here to see the News 9 story about our 2023 event.

human trafficking in marathon county and beyond


More people live in slavery in the world today than at any other time in human history, despite laws in almost every country making human trafficking illegal.  This is not only a problem for other countries; the US is both a destination and source for trafficked persons.  According to 2014 statistics, between 18,000 and 24,000 people are forcibly brought to the U.S. as slaves annually, compelled to engage in sex and forced labor.  But it gets worse.  Each year, between 100,000 and 300,000 U.S. citizens are at risk of being trafficked for commercial sex in the US.

The average age of these victims is 12-14 years old. Often, they are homeless or runaways, vulnerable to manipulation by their captors. Traffickers use fraud, coercion, fear, abuse and manipulation to control these children.

This problem affects parents and children everywhere. Trafficking happens in Wausau and other parts of North Central Wisconsin just as it does in big cities like New York or Chicago. The evil of human trafficking will not go away without increased awareness.

anti human trafficking Resources:

Damascus Road:  

The Women's Community:

National Human Trafficking Resource Center:

Wisconsin Department of Justice:

United States State Department—Trafficking in Persons Report:

The Blue Campaign (US Department of Homeland Security)

ECPAT International:

Protecting your Kids:

Protect Kids online Podcast: