This is the fifth sermon in the series by Jim Gates.
Spring LIFE Session Four: Questions - Clues from the Natural World
The fourth class moves us into the "Questions" portion of the "Answers & Questions: Apologetics" series, which looks at clues from the natural world that support scripture.
Unshakeable Virtue: Faith
This is the fourth sermon in the series with Jim Gates.
Spring LIFE Session Three: Answers - Why is there so much suffering
The third class in our Spring LIFE series, "Answers & Questions: Apologetics," tackles a topic that believers and non-believers alike have struggled with since the Garden of Eden: Why is there so much suffering?
Unshakeable Virtue: Wisdom
This is the third sermon in the series with Jim Gates.
Spring LIFE Session Two: Answers - How can there be just one way?
Class number two of the "Answers & Questions" series takes look at how the Church responds to the question of there being just one way to salvation.
Unshakeable Virtue: Courage
This is the second sermon in the series with Jim Gates.
Spring LIFE Session One: Answers - Is the Bible Reliable?
Jim Gates leads a class looking at the historical and factual validity of scripture and why it matters in this first class of the Spring Wednesday Night LIFE series.
Unshakeable Virtue: Self-Control
This is the first sermon in the series with Jim Gates.
The final sermon in the series given by Jim Gates for Easter Sunday.
Good Friday Sermon: In Memory of Jesus of Nazareth
A funeral service for Jesus.
Maundy Thursday Sermon
Declutter: Lend to Own
Fourth sermon in the series. We celebrate the triumphant entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.
Jesus' Identity and Ours
Guest speaker Joy Nelson-Jeffers explores who Jesus really was and who we really are in Him.
Declutter: Focus
Third sermon in the series. Focus Forward, Upward, so that even our distractions become tools to remind us of our focus on Jesus.
Declutter: Don't Worry, Be Happy
Second sermon in the series: Jim Gates discusses how our worry clutters our minds like our stuff clutters our lives; and often we worry about our stuff. Jesus instructs us to reject worry and embrace trust.
Declutter: The Seven Deadly Sins of Stuff
First sermon in the series: Jim Gates discusses the topic of "stuff" cluttering our lives, it's impact and distraction from where our spiritual focus should be.
The Bloody Pass
Ross Wood continues on the topic of the worldwide refugee crisis and how the Church can play a role and combating it.
Christian Missions and Refugees Discussion
Ross Wood and Jim Gates lead a discussion about the worldwide refugee crisis and how the Church can play a role and combating it.
Christian Missions and Refugees
Ross Wood discusses the worldwide refugee crisis and how the Church can play a role and combating it.