Reclaiming the City for Christ
Sixth sermon in the series.
LIFE Session Five: The Church's Role - Cure and Prevention
Rebuilding the Neighborhood Together
Fifth sermon in the series.
LIFE Session Four: Care for the Caregivers
LIFE Session Three: Understanding Depression
Rebuilding the Church Together
Fourth sermon in series
Reclaiming the Church as Family
Third sermon in series
LIFE Session Two: Spiritual Community
Reclaiming the Church as Tribe
Second sermon in series
LIFE Session One: Live Poorly, Live Alone
Reclaiming Community: Reclaiming the Church's Gospel
New Year's Eve 10am: Jesus in the Temple
Christmas Eve 10am: Mary, Mother of God
The Love Apology: Love Your Enemy
The Love Apology series sermon 4
The Love Apology: Love Your Neighbor
The Love Apology 3rd sermon in series
The Love Apology: Love Your Church
The Love Apology Sermon 2
The Love Apology: Love Your Lord
The Love Apology Sermon 1
TGIM: Finding Your Perfect Job
Thank God It's Monday Series sermon 5.
TGIM: Margin and Sabbath
Thank God It's Monday series, sermon 4.