watch below to see how students will be connecting on wednesday nights!

wednesday night youth group

salt & light

Jesus told His followers that they were salt of the earth and light of the world. We are not told to bring the salt or bring the light, Jesus told us that we ARE the light. When we live our lives in this truth, then our lives become like the shining city on a hill. The city that can not go unnoticed. As followers of Jesus, living as salt and light should cause others to notice the way we live.

Our CCPC Wednesday night Youth Group aims to raise up young disciples who are salt and light in their schools, on their teams, around their friends, and in their families. Join us every Wednesday night from 6-8pm for lessons, worship, conversation, and fellowship!

If you have an questions, or would like to learn more, please contact Dan Frost.

Visit these links for information on
LIFE Kids, LIFE for Adults

Salt & light
spiritual gifts questionnaire

God has given each of us who are believers specific spiritual gifts. This spiritual gifts test will help you determine what spiritual gifts and special talents God has given you. Click on the button below to take the assessment.