This is the second sermon in the mini-series with Jim Gates.
Self vs. Scripture: Theology of Scripture
This is the first sermon in the mini-series with Jim Gates.
Christ & Caesar: Can Christians Disagree Faithfully
This is the sixth and final sermon in the mini-series with Jim Gates.
Christ & Caesar: Christian Political Action
This is the fifth sermon in the mini-series with Jim Gates.
Christ & Caesar: God's Good Government
This is the third sermon in the mini-series with Jim Gates.
Christ & Caesar: Parties & the Politics of Fear
This is the second sermon in the mini-series with Jim Gates.
Caesar & Christ: The Third Rail & Political Idolatry
This is the first sermon in the mini-series with Jim Gates.
Εξουσια: Man Under Authority
This is the first sermon in a year-long series with Jim Gates.
New Heavens, New Earth: The Kingdom of Heaven
This is the fifth and final sermon in the series with Jim Gates.
New Heavens, New Earth: This Age & the Age to Come
This is the fourth sermon in the series with Jim Gates.
New Heavens, New Earth: The Resurrection of the Dead
This is the third sermon in the series with Jim Gates.
New Heavens, New Earth: All Things Made new
This is the second sermon in the series with Jim Gates.
New Heavens, New Earth: The Heavens and Earth
This is the first sermon in the series with Jim Gates.
Jonah, the Upside-Down Prophet: A Tale of Two Shades
This is the eighth and final sermon in the series with Jim Gates.
Jonah, the Upside-Down Prophet: Jonah's Mystery Revealed
This is the seventh sermon in the series with Jim Gates.
Jonah, the Upside-Down Prophet: God's Nikham
This is the sixth sermon in the series with Jim Gates.
Jonah, the Upside-Down Prophet: The Reluctant Evangelist
This is the fifth sermon in the series with Raissa Dupuis.
Jonah, the Upside-Down Prophet: The Belly of the Fish
This is the third sermon in the series with Amanda Fuls.
Jonah, the Upside-Down Prophet: The Sailors - Model Believers
This is the second sermon in the series with Jim Gates. This sermon was cut short due to audio issues.
Jonah, the Upside-Down Prophet
This is the first sermon in the series with Jim Gates.