This is the first sermon in the mini-series with Jim Gates.
The Next Generations: Holding On
This is the seventh sermon in the mini-series with Jim Gates. Easter Sunday.
The Next Generations: Covenant Conquerors
This is the sixth sermon in the mini-series with Jim Gates.
The Next Generations: Bonds of Family
This is the fifth sermon in the mini-series with Jim Gates.
The Next Generations: Roadside Conversions
This is the fourth sermon in the mini-series with Jim Gates.
The Next Generations: A Broken Blessing
This is the third sermon in the mini-series with Jim Gates.
The Next Generations: A Chip Off the Old Block
This is the second sermon in the mini-series with Jim Gates.
The Next Generations: A Marriage Journey
This is the first sermon in the mini-series with Jim Gates.
Ash Wednesday: The Christian Practice of Lament
Throughout scripture we see prayers of lament from God's people. Join Jim gates in an exploration of this often overlooked part of the Christian experience.
The Covenant Couple: Passing Faith's Tests
This is the sixth and final sermon in the mini-series with Amanda Fuls.
The Covenant Couple: Fire and Brimstone
This is the fifth sermon in the mini-series with Jim Gates.
The Covenant Couple: Intercessors
This is the fourth sermon in the mini-series with Jim Gates.
The Covenant Couple: Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
This is the third sermon in the mini-series with Jim Gates.
The Covenant Couple: Reckoned Righteousness
This is the second sermon in the mini-series with Jim Gates.
The Covenant Couple: Chosen (Not Deserving)
This is the first sermon in the mini-series with Jim Gates.
A Fresh Start: Epiphany
This is the fifth and final sermon in the mini-series with Jim Gates.
Christmas Eve: More or Different?
Our Christmas Eve Sermon with Jim Gates.
A Fresh Start: Regroup
This is the fourth sermon in the mini-series with Jim Gates.
A Fresh Start: Reassess
This is the third sermon in the mini-series with Jim Gates.
A Fresh Start: Repeat
This is the second sermon in the mini-series with Jim Gates.