This is the tenth sermon in the summer series with Jim Gates.
We Three Kings: David - A Kingly Response
This is the ninth sermon in the summer series with Dan Frost.
We Three Kings: David - Beyond Reproach
This is the eighth sermon in the summer series with Jim Gates.
We Three Kings: David - Already and Not Yet King
This is the seventh sermon in the summer series with Jim Gates.
We Three Kings: David - Righteous Royalty
This is the sixth sermon in the summer series with Jim Gates.
We Three Kings: Saul - Keeping Up Appearances
This is the fifth sermon in the summer series with Jim Gates.
We Three Kings: Saul - Misplaced Fear
This is the fourth sermon in the summer series with Jim Gates.
We Three Kings: Saul - "Why" Day
This is the third sermon in the summer series with Jim Gates.
We Three Kings: Saul - Spirit Swings
This is the second sermon in the summer series with Jim Gates.
We Three Kings: Prelude to a King
This is the first sermon in the summer series with Jim Gates.
Spring L.I.F.E. (Class Four) - The Spiritual World: Angels, Demons, and Thing of God
In this final session about the spiritual world, the conversation shifts to a new humanity of the spiritual and physical brought about in Christ Jesus.
Forward! God's Call to Move
This is the seventh and final sermon in the mini-series, and the final sermon of the year-long series with Jim Gates.
Spring L.I.F.E. (Class Three) - The Spiritual World: Angels, Demons, and Thing of God
Join Jim Gates in continuing the conversation of the Spiritual World with a look at demons and The Satan.
Forward from Disciple to Apostle: Go Tell (God's Story)
This is the sixth sermon in the mini-series with Jim Gates.
Spring L.I.F.E. (Class Two) - The Spiritual World: Angels, Demons, and Thing of God
Host Jim Gates continues the course with a discussion about "God's Staff," including Angels and the Divine Council.
Forward from Disciple to Apostle: Go Build (God's Kingdom)
This is the fifth sermon in the mini-series with Jim Gates.
Spring L.I.F.E. (Class One) - The Spiritual World: Angels, Demons, and Things of God
Host Jim Gates kicks off the course with a general overview of God’s creation, both spiritual and physical, and how they overlap.
Forward from Disciple to Apostle: Go With (God's Power)
This is the fourth sermon in the mini-series with Jim Gates.
Forward from Believer to Disciple: Be Like
This is the third sermon in the mini-series with Jim Gates.
Forward from Believer to Disciple: Be Together
This is the second sermon in the mini-series with Jim Gates.