This is the fifth sermon in the sub-series with Jim Gates.
Unfinished - Unexpected Christmas: Cornelius the Centurion
This is the fourth sermon in the sub-series with Jim Gates.
Unfinished - Unexpected Christmas: Saul the Persecutor of Christ
This is the third sermon in the sub-series with Jim Gates.
Unfinished - Unexpected Christmas: The Ethiopian Eunuch
This is the second sermon in the sub-series with Jim Gates.
Unfinished - Unexpected Christmas: Simon the Samaritan Sorcerer
This is the first sermon in the sub-series with Jim Gates.
Unfinished - The Next Right Thing: Stand Up and Look Up
This is the seventh and final sermon in the sub-series with Jim Gates.
Unfinished - The Next Right Thing: Provide for the Powerless
This is the sixth sermon in the sub-series with Jim Gates.
Unfinished - The Next Right Thing: Rejoice in Dishonor for the Name
This is the fifth sermon in the sub-series with Jim Gates.
Unfinished - The Next Right Thing: Hold Everything in Common
This is the fourth sermon in the sub-series, with Jay St. Clair.
Unfinished - The Next Right Thing: Boldly GO!
This is the third sermon in the sub-series with Dan Frost.
Unfinished - The Next Right Thing: Be Bold in Christ
This is the second sermon in the sub-series with Jim Gates
Unfinished - The Next Right Thing: Lean on the Name
This is the first sermon in the sub-series with Jim Gates
Fall LIFE: What Would Jesus Think (WWJT) - Class Four
This is the fourth of six classes discussing how we formulate a Christ-centered lens through which we read Scripture and interpret our daily choices.
Unfinished - This Is Us: Reprise
This is the fifth and final sermon in the sub-series with Jim Gates.
Fall LIFE: What Would Jesus Think (WWJT) - Class Three
This is the third of six classes discussing how we formulate a Christ-centered lens through which we read Scripture and interpret our daily choices.
Unfinished - This Is Us: Our Message
This is the fourth sermon in the series with Jim Gates.
Fall LIFE: What Would Jesus Think (WWJT) - Class Two
This is the second class in a six-week course with Jim Gates.
Unfinished - This Is Us: Our Power
This is the third sermon in the “This Is Us” sub-series with Jim Gates.
Fall LIFE: What Would Jesus Think (WWJT) - Class One
This is the first of six classes discussing how we formulate a Christ-centered lens through which we read Scripture and interpret our daily choices.
Unfinished - This Is Us: Our Core
This is the second sermon in the series with Jim Gates.